The White Home

100 Page Street
New Bedford, Mass.

Year Built: 1906

In 1904-05, H.H. Rogers purchased a lot of land north of St. Luke's the hospital extending to Taber Street, and underwrote the construction of a nurses school at an expense of $75,000.

During this same period, he was building just across the river — the imposing Fairhaven High School which was opened in 1906. So the two gracious buildings rose simultaneously, and on May 1, 1907, Saint Luke’s nurses occupied the White Home.

The building offered accommodations for forty-four nurses. It was constructed of Harvard brick with pale trimming. A wide veranda supported by impressive white pillars stretched across the south front and relieved the austerity of a simply patterned Colonial design.

Rogers often worked with Charles Brigham when he donated buuldings.