Mount Hope Station (Outbound)
Blakemore and Florence Streets
Roslindale, Mass.
Year Built: 1884 Year Demolished: Unsure
Mount Hope Station was built in response to the sudden population growth in the Roslindale area in the late 19th century. While the Boston & Providence RR already had a 2-track right-of-way running through the Roslindale business districts southward to communities such as Needham and Dedham and to points south and west, Mount Hope Station was located on the newer 4-track main line running from Boston, Massachusetts to Providence, Rhode Island. As such it had popularity for travel in both directions.
The inbound side of Mount Hope Station was located at what is now Hyde Park Avenue at Blakemore, and the outbound side was located at and Florence at Blakemore (outbound). The outbound station constructed of stone and brick and the inbound building was constructed of wood. Its date of construction is unclear.
Sturgis and Brigham ordered a double-dial clock from the Howard Clock Co. in September, 1884, so it would appear that the outbound depot is the Sturgis & Brigham designed building.
The building has been demolished, but it is unclear when this occurred.
• Bromley Atlas of West Roxbury and Roslindale, Plate I, 1884.
• The Mount Hope Railroad Station: A Brief History of Roslindale’s Mount Hope Railroad Station, Dennis M. Kirkpatrick, October, 2007.
• Howard Clock Company, Orders Ledger, Vol. 6, August 1883 – August, 1886, Smithsonian Institution, p. 133.
• Modern Architectural Designs and Details, Vol. 4, No. 3, December, 1889.
• "Local Railroad Notes," Boston Evening Transcript, 16 April 1884, p. 2 (Sturgis & Brigham architects of Mount Hope Station).

Modern Architectural Designs and Details, Vol. 4, No. 3, December, 1889.

1914 Bromley Atlas, Portion of Plate 14
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