Study of a House at Tuxedo, New York

Tuxedo Park, N.Y.

Year Built: ca. 1907

Brigham, Coveney and Bisbee undertook a “study” of a house in Tuxedo Park, New York. It’s unclear what a “study” actually comprises and what work the firm would have brought to this house, if any. It’s also unclear whether any work was actually done and, if so, whether the house is extant.

Interestingly, Brigham patron H.H. Rogers had a home in Tuxedo Park in the early 1900s and this design may be related to the Rogers family.


• Pittsburgh Architectural Club Exhibition Catalog, 1907, Brigham, Coveney & Bisbee, Submission No. 1420, Study of a House at Tuxedo, New York.

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